Developer Skills












Data Analyze

Front-End Projects

Check out my front-end projects:

WebApp Dashboard

Using CSS3 Flex-box and Local Storage to Create a Display Board


  • Flex-box
  • Local Storage
  • JavaScript

WebApp Dashboard,like control panel for controlling the web app use Chart.js

Object Oriented

Using JavaScript OOPS to create the Game Show App,This app require Player to guess the phrase.


  • JavaScript
  • Object oriented Programming
  • OOPS

Object Oriented Programming Game Show App

Full Stack Projects

Check out my full stack projects:


application that i build for English as Second language learner, user able to practice vocabulary, reading article, and making connection.


  • Python
  • Flask
  • SQLAlchemy

Work Experience

LineMark Inc

React Developer: May 2021 - Present
  • Worked with React Hooks, props, state, keys, refs, events, default props, and propTypes
  • Experience with Redux for state management. Create a store, actions, and reducers as a pure function
  • Extensive experience with Promise to make asynchronous calls and used fetch API as an interface to fetch resources
  • Experience with JavaScript(ES5| ES6 | ES7) - Closures, Hoisting, Strict Mode, Scope, Block Scoping, Promises, Generators, Maps and Sets, String interpolation, Async and await, array Extensions, modules, and classes
  • Build out Restful endpoints and lightweight aggregation layers using Nodejs frameworks and middlewares such as Express, Body-Parser, etc
  • Created Restful APIs with Express and used MongoDB for persistence
  • Handle unit test using Jest and React-Testing- Library

Wellness Entertainment Group

Frontend Developer: Feb 2019 - Mar 2021
  • Developed Single Page responsive Web applications using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, and React
  • Worked on the responsiveness of the application and explored fixed widths and fluid layout using Bootstrap
  • Created HTML mockups for mobile as well as tablet devices using CSS3 and HTML5 for both landscape and portrait views
  • Worked on React components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, and Animations
  • Used React-autocomplete to create google maps location search on the webpage
  • Developed react container and presentational components as stateless and functional components
  • Worked with Nodejs, Express, and NPM to set up a local server, run tasks, and manage dependencies
  • Used Babel for transfer and Webpack for bundling, module injections, and dependencies
  • Used NPM to manage dependencies
  • Used JIRA for bug tracking, issue tracking, and task/story management
  • Developed, debugged, integrated, and deployed applications using visual studio code(IDE) and used GIT for version control
  • Worked in an Agile-Scrum development methodology to ensure delivery of high-quality work with monthly interaction and was able involved in sprint planning and retrospective

DHB Solution Inc

Frontend Developer: Dec 2016 - Jan 2019
  • Designed and developed a business standard-based web application using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and jQuery
  • Involved in writing application-level code to interact with APIs, and Web Services using Ajax, JSON, and hence building the type-ahead feature for zip code, city, and country lookup using jQuery, Ajax, and jQuery
  • Created interactive websites and features using JavaScript and jQuery
  • Using Selectors in jQuery for updating content on DOM nodes
  • Designed CSS-based page layouts that are cross-browser compatible and standards-compliant
  • Added analytics and tagging functionality for all the existing pages to track all the user actions using JavaScript
  • Created templates, menus, pages, categories, and blocks using drupal and used the Drupal views module for controlling the presentation of lists of content
  • Managed and implemented all code changes via Git. Deployed builds across development, staging, and production instances and maintained code integrity

Contact Me
